What's Inside

NJ Wrestlers provides assorted ways to access a huge collection of results for New Jersey state championship tournaments and associated qualifying tournaments.

Browse lists of tournaments by year and show all placers by division/weight or by team.

Browse a wrestler directory and show all placements by a wrestler in both youth and high school tournaments.

Browse a directory of towns/teams and show all placements by wrestlers on that team by tournament.
State Preview

Lists wrestlers that qualified for each division/weight class for the current year state championship along with all past placements.

Advance searching by selecting combinations of year, tournament, division, weight class, place, and team.
Mobile Access

Using a phone or a tablet? Use the mobile friendly version of njwrestlers.com.

Archive includes:
NJ High School
  • State Champions 1934-2003
  • State Placers since 2004
  • Region Champions since 1963
  • Region Placers since 2010
  • District Placers since 2010
NJ Youth
  • State Placers since 2003
  • State Qualifier Placers since 2006 (entry of 2017 results is pending)
Pennsylvania Youth
  • State Champions 1963-2003
  • State Placers 2004-2011